That is what this site is about. The road LESS traveled by too many Christians. Too many of us today just go with the flow, go with the easy road, the wide and popular road. But that my friend is a dangerous road. A road with too much traffic and too many hazards.
We need to get off that road and back on the road less traveled, the straight and narrow.
Why is there so much error in our churches today? Well their are a few reasons. But for starters, everyone is reading different bibles! No wonder most of us can not come to the same conclusions! Most believe that they say the same thing, just in different words, but that is a big LIE! They are not saying the same things and we will get into that in one of the studies, but that is the first reason there is so much error in our churches.
Another reason there is so much error is because MOST Christians don’t study their bibles. I didn’t say Read, I said “Study”, and there is a big difference. It’s easy to read a chapter or two a day and then say we study the bible, but that is not studying. To study your bible is to compare verses with other verses, to compare Old and New Testaments, to research words and phrases to get to the bottom of things. But most Christians do not do this. Many have NEVER done this so they really do not know their bibles, neither are they able to spot a deception when they see or hear one.
Laziness is another reason there is so much error in our churches. So many Christians (Americans), are too lazy to study their bibles like I described above. It is soooo much easier to just believe whatever their pastor tells them. Many believe that since they are the pastors, they should know what they are talking about, and actually, they should, but many don’t. And for all of those that just believe whatever they are told are putting their Eternal Lives in the hands of another man. That is Crazy and Dangerous.
We must learn for ourselves what the truth is because we are responsible for our own salvation. We will not be able to blame our pastors if we miss the kingdom or loose some rewards. Yes their are different rewards available for all of us as Christians. We do not receive the same rewards. The Bible says we will shine differently as the stars of heaven.
Anyways, there are many other reasons why there are so many errors in our churches. Can you name a few? Leave a comment below if you can. And please read the Introduction before moving on.